Bacalah dengan (menyebut) nama Tuhanmu Yang menciptakan. Dia telah menciptakan manusia dari segumpal darah. Bacalah, dan Tuhanmulah Yang Maha Pemurah. Yang mengajar (manusia) dengan perantaran pena. Dia mengajar kepada manusia apa yang tidak diketahuinya.

Hukum Cadar | Trend Mode Pakaian Muslimah Syar'i | Style Cadar

Bismillah, Alhamdulillah, Sholawat serta salam semoga terlimpahkan kepada Nabi Muhammad Sholallohu'alaihi Wassalam, amma ba'du....| Hukum Cadar | Trend Mode Pakaian Muslimah Syar'i | Style Cadar

Ada perselisihan yang panjang diantara ulama, ringkasnya ada dua hukum cadar yaitu:

1. Wajib

Inilah pendapat As-Suyuthi dan Ibnu Hajar Al-Asqolaniy. Sedangkan ulama sekarang yang mewajibkan adalah Syaikh Muhammad As-Sinqithi, Syaikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz, Syaikh Muhammad bin Shalih Al-Utsaimin, Syaikh Abdullah bin Jarullah bin Ibrahim Al-Jarullah, Syaikh Bakr Abu Zaid, Syaikh Mushthafa Al-Adawi.

2. Sunnah

Menurut madzhab Syafi’i, Imam Malik dan Abu Hanifah, hukum menutupi wajah itu sunnah. Ini juga pendapat ulama seperti Ibnu Hazm dan Ibnu Batthal. Adapun ulama sekarang adalah syaikh Al-Albani dan beliau membahas panjang lebar dalam kitab beliau Jilbab Al Mar’ah Al Muslimah.

Kita tidak bermaksud mentarjih mana yang lebih kuat, akan tetapi pengalaman kami bertemu dengan para ustdaz di Indonesia ketika dauroh-dauroh sebagian besar berpendapat bahwa hukum cadar adalah sunnah. Dan kami pun lebih tenang terhadap pendapat yang sunnah.

Akan tetapi yang terpenting adalah jangan sampai berpecah belah dan saling menyalahkan hanya karena masalah ini. Karena ini adalah ikhtilaf mu’tabar [terangggap]. Masing-masing punya dalil yang kuat. Kita harus menghormati pendapat orang lain.

Cadar Bukan Tolak Ukur Keshalihahan Wanita

Sebagian beranggapan bahwa wanita yang sudah memakai cadar adalah pasti wanita yang sangat shalihah. Seperti wanita yang bercadar pasti pintar menjaga diri, ngajinya bagus dan pasti taat pada suami. Tetapi jangan dijadikan tolak ukur. Ini belum tentu karena tetap saja tolak ukurnya adalah akhlak dan takwa. Allah Ta’ala berfirman,

إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ

“Sesungguhnya yang paling mulia di sisi Allah adalah orang yang paling bertaqwa di antara kalian.” [QS. Al Hujurat: 13]

Bahkan ada yang beranggapan bahwa cadar adalah tolak ukur sudah ahlus sunnah atau belum, menjadi tolak ukur akhwat “ngaji” atau tidak. Ini adalah anggapan yang salah. Karena hukum asal seseorang adalah ia ahlus sunnah wal jama’ah kemudian dilihat bagaimana pemikiran dan manhaj/metodologi beragama yang ia tempuh, apakah sesuai dengan pemahaman salafus shalih atau tidak.

Sehingga kurang tepat jika ada wanita yang memandang kurang shalihah wanita yang belum bercadar, atau terkadang meremehkannya kemudian berkomentar,

“Sudah lama ngaji kok belum pakai cadar, apa dia ga tahu keutamaan bercadar.”

Padahal bisa jadi, ia beranggapan sunnah kemudian ada penghalang. Dan bisa jadi ia punya amalan lain yang lebih banyak dan lebih ikhlas. Begitu juga dengan curhat seorang ikhwan kepada kami tentang perkataan orang-orang,

“Istri antum belum ngaji ya, kok nggak pakai cadar?”

Jelas ini adalah anggapan keliru dan perlu kita luruskan bersama.

Jangan Kaku dan Memaksa Memakai Cadar

Ini bagi mereka yang berkeyakinan bahwa cadar adalah sunnah. Jika belum mampu memakai cadar maka jangan memaksakan diri. Misalnya larangan keras dari orang tua dan keluarga. Masyarakat di sekitar belum menerima cadar. Cadar adalah suatu hal yang sangat asing dan masih dianggap pakaian istri teroris. Walaupun ia sudah menjelaskan dengan cara yang lembut dan baik lagi bijaksana. Akhirnya ia dikucilkan oleh keluarga dan masyarakat kemudian putus silturahmi. Maka dalam kondisi seperti ini jangan memakai cadar. Walaupun niatnya melakukan sunnah karena berlaku kaidah

درع المفاسد مقدم على جلب المصالح

“Menolak mafsadat didahulukan daripada mendatangkan mashlahat”

Jika ia memakai cadar maka mendatangkan mashlahat yaitu melaksanakan sunnah, jika ia tidak pakai cadar maka menolak mafsadat yaitu tidak ridhanya orang tua, dikucilkan dan putusnya silaturahmi. Maka dengan kaidah ini ia wajib menolak mafsadat dengan tidak memakai cadar. Selain itu hukum wajib ridha orang tua didahulukan dari hukum sunnah memakai cadar.

Akan tetapi kasus seperti ini sangat jarang sekali kita temui, yang ada adalah keluarga yang tadinya keras dan sangat anti cadar akhirnya luluh dengan dakwah lembut dan bijaksana dari akhwat tersebut. Sejak memakai cadar ia semakin berbakti kepada orang tua, semakin rajin, semakin ramah terhadap orang lain, IPK meningkat dan semakin menunjukkan perubahan ke arah positif. Beberapa banyak tempat yang dulunya anti cadar sekarang cadar adalah menjadi hal yang biasa. Oleh karena itu harus tetap bersemangat mendakwahkah sunnah yang satu ini.

Mudah-mudahan artikel di atas bisa membantu | Hukum Cadar | Trend Mode Pakaian Muslimah Syar'i | Style Cadar

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tips to combine musllim dress and veil

ok guys... in this case i have some tips how to combine muslim dress and veil.

the most woman get confused for combine dress muslim and veil. Actually, we must not be confused if not his principles solid-match.

Selection of Muslim fashion should be tailored to the event attended, but the most important thing is to adjust the shape of the bodythe Young Muslim fashion designers have tips for us, how to choose the appropriate size Muslem body.

  • If you are wearing a geometric patterned dress, such as plaid or stripes or Batik. You should avoid floral veil. Instead, use plain veil or with minimal textures as equivalent.

  • However, if you are wearing a plain dress, veil with lively shades could be the right combination. Bright colors can you wear your clothes for hijab when it was dark. This factor can brighten your appearance.

  • When you want to use a flower or animal print motif for hijab, you can  wearing dark-colored clothing. So it is not too flashy and the center of attention (Hijab Children).

  • When you love brightly colored clothes, you can wear darker colored veil. Wear shoes bags and more colorful. Additional accessories necklaces can also sweeten your performance. Suppose yellow clothes, handbags, and shoes can be blue. If the clothes you wear is dark, you can play colour through the shoe color

the material is not always matching, color contrast can produce interesting effects on appearance. But you have to keep watching the color aesthetic. Do not mix the three colors of light at once, neutralize by using dark colors 

Good luck :)

Tips How to Choose Muslim Dress

hay are you today? fine? i hope so.. in this case i'll give u some tips how to choose muslim dress.

Muslim dress is a appropriate cloth of muslim is a model adapted to the rules of Islamic religious life. In the Qur'an written suggestions and obligation for Muslims in dress. Models and versatile clothes that covered her trademark long. For women, muslim clothing covering the body such as hair, neck, arms and legs.

there are some tips to choose from several Muslim fashion designers:

1. According to Islamic rules, aims to protect users clothing, in addition to cover. That is why the Muslims choose loose clothing that can camouflage the silhouette / body shape.

2. Choose clothes that fit the size and not dangerous when moving. Tight clothing in addition complicate motion also makes it difficult for the skin to breathe. Muslim clothes that are too big too dangerous for its users, because it can be stepped on while walking / running, most likely susceptible to unclean ground / road users and can cause falls. It could also be related to objects more sharply to hazardous materials and would be detrimental to the user.

3. Choose models and colors to suit the activity. If the user is a lot of activity, you should use materials that do not absorb sweat and also not easily tangled, consists of two parts, top and pants. For users who are doing activities that stay in place, users can use the skirt. For non-formal activities or relaxing can be chosen bright colors such as pink, light blue, orange, and red, you also have to have a neutral colored clothing and formal Muslims, such as dark blue, gray, black, and white. 

4. When you buy new clothes, try to coordinate with the new clothes and the color of underwear models who already owned. This is so that you can still use old clothes by mix and match with your new clothes.

 5. Learn various creative hijab informed that many mass media so that users can still follow fashion, but still follow the rules of religion. 

6. Choose clothing that can hide the shortcomings body to be comfortable socializing. You should also disguise weight by selecting materials that appear bright. Muslim fashion boutique will help you get the model you desire. The color selection can also be made to cover the shortfall. For example, dark colors suitable for those that are large. 

7.If you want to attend the festival, should not be confused to choose clothes. Casual wear that can be owned luxury impressed by providing additional material that looks luxurious. For example, a combination of cotton with batik shawl Organdi, or a simple dress with OBI robe of silk or embroidery. 

Tips to choose clothes for the party is IslamicMuslim clothing is not only belongs to those who want to go into teaching or to the mosque. Now with the development of Muslim fashion, you can also look stylish with Muslim that Clothing product model remains simple yet luxurious. 

 What kind of clothes should you wear to attend a formal party?Actually just simple, simple Muslim clothing that you can wear to a party to a formal event. However, with the additional course creation.

 Here, there are this tips: 

1. If you attend a party at noon, wearing Muslim clothes with bright colors, but choose a fabric that is easy to absorb sweat and not easily tangled. Instead, wear clothing pieces instead of the robe. And for those of you who do not much activity there, wearing a long skirt could be an option, and will look more graceful. Clothing sale place usually provide a variety of options.

 2. If you are attending a casual evening party, you can wear the equivalent of a fresh color, such as light green or light blue. With additional embroidery, sequins or tunic japan, accompanied by color variations younger material. You can wear a scarf so that your appearance is not monotonous, you will be more formal but still look stylish. 

3. If the party took place the evening, glamorous style muslim clothing products could be your choice. But no need to wear a studded crystals or sequins. You can use kaftan with gold or silver embroidery. Alternatively, use a floral patterned shirt with a painting technique or a long tunic paired with striped kebaya fabric.

 4. If you want to look younger, it never hurts to wear batik. We have had a lot of batik cloth that is packed with contemporary style. Just choose newfangled Jackie-O or striped babydoll and combined with denim or trousers pipe. 

5. Lastly, if you want a more luxurious look, wear the stole or pashmina can help. Or scarf of matching organdy material. 

So much from me, hopefully this article be a benefit to those of you who confused how to choose a suitable Muslim dress fashion and convenient for you. thanks.. wasalamualaikum...

look at muslim dress collecittion in

Correct Way to Wear Hijab

Bismillah, Alhamdulillah, may shed sholawat and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad Sholallohu lord 'alaihi wassalam, amma ba'du ... on this occasion we will discuss about the correct way to wear hijab.
acctualy. how to wear hijab will affect the appearance. veil that you wear this time will not diminish your confidence. You will look beautiful, graceful and polite.
Immediately, see the following video tutorial.

How to wear hijab tutorial so right according to fashion trends. Look forward to the next article which is very useful.